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shorty943 12-02-2007 11:30 PM

:laugh: :laugh: That's the trouble with you foreigners, you think we're the foreigners.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

By the way, if you want a really good chuckle.
Keep an ear on what El Presidente Hugo Chavez is prattling about now.

The US of A, is not going to get one single drop of Venezuelan oil, not one single drop do you hear!

Idiot peon.

The ONLY refinery in the world that can handle Venezuelan heavy crude, is in a little coastal town called, wait for it, wait for it, GALVISTON, TEXAS.

Ever heard of it Mr. Chavez?
Your oil HAS to go to America, for refining, for the rest of the world to buy.

Greg 12-03-2007 02:16 AM

Wow! I had never heard of that before! In fact, I was unaware that there is a refinery in Galveston, which just goes to show how little I know about such things. Mostly I just see the steady stream of tankers headed up to Texas City, just eastish from Houston.

shorty943 12-03-2007 02:29 AM

Ooops, sorry, I spelled Galveston incorrectly. Fancy that, I used to sing the Glen Campbell song with my band, but I can't spell it.

A piece on Chavez and his rantings a short time back on TV here. Mentioned both things. The refinery may be near Galveston, some "journo's" can be a little random.
At the moment he is rigging a referendum to allow himself to elect himself el Presidente for as long as he pleases.

Wearing a bright RED shirt, buddying up to brother Fidel, and yelling at the USA, NOT ONE DROP.

Ah, he's a funny man.

Greg 12-03-2007 02:35 AM

I'm sure it makes him feel better, though! :D

shorty943 12-03-2007 02:48 AM

:salute: :salute: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

mikedelaney16 12-03-2007 05:07 PM

Where's Juan Carlos of Spain when you need him. He knows how to handle Hugo Chavez :)

shorty943 12-03-2007 09:52 PM

G-day Mike.
All's well?

mikedelaney16 12-03-2007 10:10 PM

All's well, or at least it would be if the wind would die down long enough for me to relocate my sat dish so I could spend even more time sleeping on the couch and avoiding computers.

Raising the dish might make it possible to see another couple of sats over the roof. As you can see below, the house is blocking any signals to my west. In fact it blocks everything west of about 9 degrees East.

225 lb man standing 15-20 ft off the ground on a ladder in gale force winds. Not a good idea.

Winter is not my best time of year, and it's been winter here for over a year now, summer didn't happen this year. Of course there's still at least 4 months of winter to go.

shorty943 12-03-2007 10:19 PM

I'll swap you.

We never got winter this year. Hottest, driest winter\spring for 25 years, and, the first day of summer was already 100 degrees F, at 11 AM.

We've got about 4 months to go as well.

Bloody stupid place to put a house, what?

You need a sturdy son, grand-son, nephew or such, my friend.
Coerce a younger family member to climb the ladder.
We mature age citizens, we don't do that any more mate.
That's boys work, risk taking.

mikedelaney16 12-03-2007 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by shorty943 (Post 5983)
You need a sturdy son, grand-son, nephew or such, my friend.
Coerce a younger family member to climb the ladder.
We mature age citizens, we don't do that any more mate.
That's boys work, risk taking.

My grandson Nathan is still a bit young for climbing ladders, he can't even walk by himself yet. (Or so he'd have us believe.) Photo taken in May:

Getting these three to even stand on a kitchen steps is near impossible. Photo taken same day as above:

Besides, getting them to admit understanding the purpose of a plumb line or spirit level might take a couple of decades.

Both of these photos were taken on that day in May that marked the end of our expectations of a summer. From then on it rained almost every day (might have been 4 dry days) for 10-12 weeks.

Anyway, I don't mind climbing ladders, I just wont do it in wind and rain. Oddly enough, I can get the girls to hold the ladder, properly.

shorty943 12-04-2007 10:11 AM

Ah. The apple of grand dad's eye is willing, but as yet unable.:salute:

And then there are, "girls - of the opposite sex".
Bonny lasses. But, lasses none the less.

Have been through similar recently. Confusing chalk with caulk, string lines with chalk lines, then losing both anyway.:help1:

Nuff said my friend.:laugh:

Greg 12-04-2007 12:14 PM

We need to build a big pipe from here to there and some of our heat and humidity up your way, Mike! :D

mikedelaney16 12-04-2007 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 6005)
We need to build a big pipe from here to there and some of our heat and humidity up your way, Mike! :D

It would be way cheaper for me to move to Portugal, Spain, or even the south of France. I'll stick up a website with a Paypal donation button. :D

Miros1 12-04-2007 04:39 PM

Dang, we've got actual accumulation here. Ski resorts opening tomorrow and Friday. Guess our month of winter is December this year...

Of course, we've got a full schedule of doctor's appointments for 2 weeks.

shorty943 12-05-2007 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 6005)
We need to build a big pipe from here to there and some of our heat and humidity up your way, Mike! :D

Oooh, the Kyoto tree huggers might not think that such a good idea.
Global central heating and all that.:laugh:

Oh what the hell, with a bit of luck most of them won't be able to tread water for 40 days and 40 nights.:weg: Let the sea rise I say.

mikedelaney16 12-05-2007 02:23 AM

Tree huggers! Bleh!

From thorn in the side to unwitting ally of the vested interests in one generation. What a bunch of maroons.

And, it's nearly bah humbug pay double for gas and oil time again. Looks like they just missed their $100 a barrel target again this year though.

shorty943 12-05-2007 04:41 AM

Add to that, "world parity pricing", and every time someone up north gets cold, we get told to pay for it at the fuel bowser, and at the electricity meter, and at the transport terminal and, and.

Then, during the northern summer, when we are freezing our brass ones off, we get told, "oh no, now, you have to pay more because the north are not buying as much and we petro-corps are the greedy buggers".

You point them out, I am the big golden bullet.


Oh, that's right.
I'm only a couple of weeks away from saying "shove it Shell, bend over BP".

:blob7: :blob7: :blob7:

Bio-Diesel, more horsepower to batter tree hugger's with. And it's re-newable tree hugger's, I can make more any time I like.:weg:

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