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Miros1 06-26-2007 05:22 AM

I doubt grilled cheese maker pays as well as rocket science!

Greg 06-26-2007 05:33 AM

Indeed! On the other hand, rocket science is a very fickle job market, but there's always a demand for grilled cheese!

Miros1 06-26-2007 01:58 PM

Lol, very true!

shorty943 06-27-2007 06:10 AM

Damn mate. That sort of equates to all the "Barista's" with a PHD.
One of my bugbears is pseudo education. To me a Doctorate in Philosophy is a bit placebic. They go to a special school for years, to get a piece of paper, that says they know how to think. And as for sport psychology?

What about that Airbus mob? They seem to need some experienced help.
Their A380 is a tad behind schedule.

But, yes, people must eat. Hm, grilled cheese eh? Time to fire up the griller, see you soon.

Try it with fresh cracked pepper, yum, it bites back.

Greg 06-27-2007 11:30 AM

Well, this time around it's mostly my own fault because I didn't start my job search last year. I was working on a task that I knew would end, but was receiving assurances from my boss that NASA would fund a new task to continue the project. Unfortunately, the new congress cut NASA's budget and the facility I was working for can't afford to fund any R&D projects for the rest of the year. Then I compounded the foolishness by counting on a job that I had reason to believe I would surely get. That one dragged on from April until now, further delaying starting a job search.

In retrospect, that was really dumb. There's a downside to talking to people about a job you might not need--they might not be willing to talk to you the next time--but in reality, saying no if you get offered a job you don't want is a heck of a lot worse than not having a job when you need one.

Thanks for the suggestion, Shorty. I'm hoping that I won't have to move again because my family has had to pack up and move every two years since 1999, but if I have to, I'll follow the work wherever it leads. Moving is wretched but it beats the heck out of being unemployed.

shorty943 06-27-2007 12:46 PM

Don't I know mate. Seems like I haven't been in the same place 2 years running since 1970. The year I joined the Navy.

luckily, we have "mature expertise" don't we.

Best wishes in the hunt Greg.

Greg 06-27-2007 03:11 PM

Thanks, Shorty. Just this morning, Lockheed opened a new job in the EVA group on the Orion program, so I am becoming more hopeful. At the core of it, EVA and crew systems is what I do!

Miros1 06-27-2007 09:07 PM

Very cool! Keep us informed!

shorty943 06-28-2007 12:25 AM

Very best of luck Greg.
Lockheed and Extra Vehicular Activities, no wait, I'm changing my name to... Just Kidding.

Isn't the Orion program something to do with Mars?

Go for it, Rocket Man, go for it.

Greg 06-28-2007 02:28 AM

In the long run, Orion does have something to do with Mars.

Orion is the name of the Crew Exporation Vehicle (CEV)...


... which is part of NASA's Constellation program. The plan is to get on back to the moon to set up a permanent lunar base and then grow from there, eventually leading to exploring Mars.

Greg 06-28-2007 02:38 AM

I'm foolishly allowing myself to be hopeful about this one. Orion is where it's at right now in the world's space programs, and as I said, EVA and crew systems is what I do.

EVA Spoken Here

For a long time I figured that all those years working in human space flight meant that there was really only one customer for what I know how to do. I'm only now beginning to realize that I have a lot of transferrable skills that could be used in other industries, and started thinking about changing to some other area of human endeavor just when this one came up.

Miros1 06-28-2007 02:25 PM

Good luck!

Greg 06-28-2007 06:00 PM

Thanks! Now I'm trying to figure out how to call attention to myself. I could set up a little lemonade stand on the sidewalk with pictures of guys in space suits and hand out my resume along with free lemonade, but that might be considered unprofessional.

Within my experience, just submitting your resume to the on-line site is rather like tossing a feather down a canyon and waiting for the echo.

homerette 06-28-2007 10:46 PM

Good luck, Greg! I'm crossing everything I've got for ya!

shorty943 06-29-2007 11:14 AM

Oh Yeah.

Big buzz now is Space Tourism.
Sir Richard Branson, and his company Virgin, are already building.
Last week ESA announced a sub-orbiter, zeroG tourist craft.

Now, with our plans, for an Amestralian Launcher.

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