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Zirconia Wolf 07-27-2007 04:05 PM

Yes...but if I understand the "skin thing" correctly (they way it's explained on MTS2) I have to have somekind of "custom skin" for each of the parents first, in order to see the "skins" (picked at random, again) for a given baby.

Still seems like a simple de-fault outfit is alot easier to install. (Untill Maxis wises up & allows you to pick different baby clothes, that is! I mean, you would think they would have at least made a set of "crib matching" onesies....)

WooHoo! The downloads are working again! Now to think of something besides plain old yellow that I want to see on every freaking baby...

Miros1 07-27-2007 05:53 PM

Ok, I think we've got a couple topics snarled together here. I'm getting a headache, so I'll post later and try to unsnarl them.

Miros1 07-28-2007 12:25 PM

Here's the one I saw first:

Miros1 12-18-2007 05:53 PM

BTW, there are several replacement baby clothes meshes now, check BlooM's work on InSim.

Miros1 12-18-2007 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Zirconia Wolf (Post 3285)
Yes...but if I understand the "skin thing" correctly (they way it's explained on MTS2) I have to have somekind of "custom skin" for each of the parents first, in order to see the "skins" (picked at random, again) for a given baby.

No, skin genetics work like this:

If at least one parent has a non-genetic skin: there will be an even chance of the baby inheriting either parent's exact skintone.

If both parents have genetic skins (Maxis or geneticized custom skins): The baby will have a genetic skintone somewhere between the two.
Mom and dad are S1 (Maxis light): all children will be S1.
Mom is S1, dad is S4 (Maxis dark): children will be any genetic skintone available between Maxis light and Maxis dark, including Maxis tan and dark tan.
Mom has Enayla's Vampiric Grace (modified by Madame Mim), dad is S1: children will be some pale color, possibly as "dark" as Maxis light.

Sita 01-21-2008 05:13 PM

if I understand you ROse.
I could have a skintone with a baby suit that is red - actually painted onto that baby skin, and worn by all babies that have that shade of skin? In that case it would be possible to have different baby clothes for each CC skin?

OR I can have a separate sort of thing, a diaper replacement? IF I can ever get Mod the Sims to load of course?

Miros1 01-22-2008 01:23 AM

Actually both. You can have shirts painted onto the skintones and you can have a diaper replacement texture and mesh.

Since I'm too lazy to export and import the baby textures from the skintones, I'll just pick a texture and mesh for all the babies to wear...

Greg 01-22-2008 12:56 PM

There's an idea: You could just use Christianlov's skin tone changer to change the baby's nappies. As long as you have the skin tone that you want the older sim to have in the skin tone changer, it'll all work out just fine! :)

Miros1 10-27-2013 04:05 PM

Update: Chris Hatch has 1) gender specific default replacement clothes 2) buyable baby clothes and 3) genetically baby hair!

Crystal 01-23-2014 10:39 AM

Hey my guess is that you're still playing The Sims 2 after all these years. Cool!

We've been just doing stuff in Second Life and playing some online games.

Miros1 04-25-2015 07:26 PM

To update this thread... Chris Hatch has a whole baby clothes set up (including a bear to change the baby's outfit) over on Back Alley Sims. He's also figured out how to give babies hair in the correct color!

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