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VampireSim 08-24-2008 09:10 AM

The plot thickens... *Looks shifty*

VampireSim 08-25-2008 03:53 PM

Chapter Seven
Chapter 7: Rushing Forwards.

After the birth of twin girls to the Neighbourhood, Matt was restless.

'I'm going to have to summon Her now, before anymore babies come to the Neighbourhood,' He thought. 'Damn brats making my job harder.'

I'm the Lord of Alchlemy!

Once Matt had prepared everything, it was time for the last fountain to be lit. Then, and only then, would She arise, after centuries of slumber, to finish what She never had chance too, all because of Merlin.

" Bones to Earth and Soul to Air, bring me back the perfect care;
To finish what was meant to be, to be what has been the key;
To finding that which must be sort, forever and now;
Realease Her Soul, Oh Underworld! Bring Her To Me!"

She has arived!

After everything was said, Matt fled from the room, not wanting to gaze upon the face of his Ansistor, or at least, not yet.

"Finally I am free! Too long have I lingered away in false death. Now comes Sweet Victory!" Said She." But first...I must regain my powers..."

What is She doing?

What is the thing that must be sort? What do the Oakwoods have to do with this? Who is She?

Greg 08-26-2008 12:33 AM

This is beginning to sound dangerous! :eek:

Crystal 08-26-2008 05:40 PM

This story is getting real fun!! What is that fancy fountain she has?

VampireSim 08-26-2008 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Crystal (Post 10192)
This story is getting real fun!! What is that fancy fountain she has?

I dont know! I found it in teh decorative section, and used moveobjects on to get that inside, along with some other foutains and Statues.

Greg 08-27-2008 11:47 AM

It looks suspiciously like it has some soap suds building up there. :lol:

VampireSim 08-27-2008 12:27 PM

A Note from an Actor
Just a Note and Intervention


"Greg, I understand that you seem to think there are Soap sudds in the foutain. Well, I have to work My butt off and I only had Soap to work with! At least I found SOMETHING!"

Matt, Calm down! Honestly, Greg is only pointing out what he can see!

" I dont want to calm down! I want to be ANGRY:blob8:!!!"

Shut up Matt. Dont forget who has your Expresso machine and your entire universe, might I add!

"I'll be good! Dont take away my Coffee! I need it!"

Thats better.

VampireSim 08-27-2008 08:15 PM

Side Note( Im thread jacking my own thred!):

I used the deleteallcharacters cheat on a different nieghbourhood, to see what would happen. I made a simple knowlege sim, I cant remember what I called her. She became very friendly with the mail-man. She ended up with Triplets, but the funny thing is that they all have different skin tones!

Theres Alana, whos pale.

Theres Barrett, whos dark.

And theres Cedric, whos in-between.

Anyone else seen this happen with twins, or triplets? I have a game hack (my only hack, I've mentioned before) that allows my sims to have triplets and quads...Heaven hopes that Sally doesn't have Triplets, that would really anoy me and not suit the story).

Feel free to thread jack in reply, as Im still thinking about the next part in the story, and finally telling you the name of the glorius She, no relation to Gregs infamous Sheba.

Greg 08-28-2008 03:07 AM

Yeah, the game will do that. If the mother and father have different skin tones, there's a chance that the baby will come out with a skin tone that's in between.

Sheba 08-28-2008 03:08 AM

Infamous? Me? Nah...

VampireSim 08-28-2008 01:40 PM

:o In my eyes your infamous She!

However, I have a tiny problem which has changed my story line...:booboo:

It seems my game hasn't been saving my games, and well, Sally is still pregnant with the Girls, if they turn out to be twins. Which they may not. So, the story is changing unfortuantly.

Sally and Jacob remain very happy, as does Adam. They are not in harms way, unless my game wishes it so.

I'll explain what I was hoping would happen:

I would introduce you to She, telling you her name, Morgana. And then I would of finally told you Matt and Morgana's last name...Le Fay.

Matt is the Last Le Fay, other than Morgana, and her Great ( carry on for ages) Grandson. His great (again, ages) Grandfather was Morgana's only son.

I was then going to have Morgana seduce (Shes romance) either Jacob or Adam (when hes older enough, hes still a toddler) and get pregnant.

Then she would use her child to find the mythical Merlin and kill him, so that she could get her hands on excaliber or the holy grail.

The whole story was based on Arthurian Legends. Now, I will change the plot line to something less sinster, like the lives of the characters instead of their heratige.

I am really really sorry that my main story has gone down the pan, so I hope my next one about their lives (which I will continue in this thread) in Merlins Oak Valley doesn't also go down the pan.

VampireSim 08-31-2008 12:27 PM

Lets Start Anew
Lets Start Anew: The Story of Knowlegde and Romance.

As you may know (look above), my orignal story hasn't gone to plan. However, I am now going tell the tales of the families and people of Merlin's Oak Valley.

You already have met Morgana and Matt Le Fay.

Notice the flirty wave from Morgana

Her lifetime want is to reach the top of the Gamer career (odd for romance).

His Lifetime want is to become Education Minster.

Will they achieve their dreams?
Will Morgana have the time of her life?
Will She enjoy life with Matt?

Greg 08-31-2008 08:05 PM

The first time's just practice! Once more into the breach, dear friends! :D

Maybe Morgana is hoping to get lucky at game conventions.

VampireSim 09-09-2008 03:09 PM

On a side note: I may not post for a while, I just started college.

I made a free forum thing, its called moonlightrhythms. Its not brill yet, but I may post bits of noxsense on there. Ill post a link if you want it.

Once again I am sorry for the change in plot, and for lack of activeness. Theres just too mcuh!

Miros1 09-09-2008 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 10247)
The first time's just practice! Once more into the breach, dear friends! :D

Yep, sounds like Baumdoubt Valley Redux!


Maybe Morgana is hoping to get lucky at game conventions.
That's semi-normal attire for game conventions. Although I haven't seen that exact outfit, there's always a few chainmail girls, superheroes, elves, vampires, etc. wandering around. In case you're wondering, here's the original chainmail girl. Convention rules say you have to wear something under your chainmail!

My question: Where were the chainmail girls when that idiot politician wanted a crowd shot for the background of the pictures/video of his campaign kickoff? My mental comment to the genius would have been "You rented a conference room, effing stay in it and leave us alone!"

Then there was the year they scheduled an electrical engineer's conference across from part of Origins.
1) It was Geek Central in the hotel lobby! Didn't quite reach critical mass tho.
2) Since there simply weren't enough hotel rooms to go around, they eased up the rule on sleeping in the gaming rooms.
3) Hubby, 2 engineers, and a chainmail girl were in the elevator. The chainmail girl gets off on 2nd, one engineer says to the other "What the heck was that?!" Hubby didn't bother trying to explain what a chainmail girl was...
4) I kind of wish I'd seen the game convention organizers kicking the engineers off the breezeway. The convention center employees set up the game tables on the breezeway, conveniently near the electrical engineers, so the engineers wandered over and sat down. Nope, stay at your tables, or we're going to help ourselves to your buffet table. Got it?

Greg 09-10-2008 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 10416)
... Convention rules say you have to wear something under your chainmail!...

Oh, I'd say she has a lot under her chain mail! :D

VampireSim 09-10-2008 01:54 PM

Now that dress Morganna likes...I think I should be rather afraid as she wants one but wants to customise it.

I'd best start looking I guess.

Miros1 09-10-2008 07:47 PM

Since real life chain mail dresses are made to order, customizing would be no problem. Most of the stands at Origins will do on-site adjustments-to-fit on ready-made haltertops, wrist bands, etc.

VampireSim 09-10-2008 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 10454)
Since real life chain mail dresses are made to order, customizing would be no problem. Most of the stands at Origins will do on-site adjustments-to-fit on ready-made haltertops, wrist bands, etc.

Tehe...guess I need to learn how to do that!

It seems I dont have enough time to do anything at the moment. I had a day off and spent it cleaning...It doesnt work!

Ill try and get a chapter up sometime soon. Hey, maybe Morgana will get a chain mail dress...:p

Greg 09-11-2008 11:48 AM

That's what happens when you go to college. There's always so much to do!

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