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Miros1 04-20-2007 07:59 AM

I've still got all my zips squirrelled away, so anything that didn't need remedial repairs of some sort could just be (horrors!) deleted.

But that's approximately what I'm thinking... tell me what I'm not using so I can get it out of my game, temporarily.

The ultimate version would randomly move some stuff into my game for building or shopping sprees, then move what didn't get used back out.

$RaMRoM$ 04-20-2007 03:14 PM

thanks. neat & pretty!

Wren 04-22-2007 09:56 PM

Thank you $RaMRoM$!*blushes*

shorty943 06-13-2007 03:56 AM

G-day Wren. Downloaded your self sim a couple of weeks ago.
:( No Seasons yet.
Got Seasons installed, installed WrenSim.

Now BIG problem.
Need really big wardrobe. I mean big, big wardrobe.
Damn girl looks so good in every thing, just gotta make a really, big, wardrobe.

The old pirate king is just going to have to get the builders in, to modify his lady friends castle. Nothing else about it, knock down some walls, make a nice big Cedar lined walk in.:imnotworthy-1:

See you later, I've got constructin' to do.

jjjim 09-08-2007 11:55 PM

Wow!! She's a doll, I love the freckles. Thanks

rdanner3 05-10-2008 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 1184)
. . . it would be nice to have a utlility that would just sort out which downloads I'm actually using and which ones I'm not, and move the the ones I'm not off to a separate directory tree.

Agreed, Greg, even though (as a relative newbie to playing The Sims 2) I have relatively few. What would really rock (and I wish I had the programming acumen to accomplish) would be a scanner that checks for missing meshes, etc. and alerts the user to their absence, then (if they're free or the person has a subscription to the site necessary) downloads the lot in one go.

One frustration I have is simply the fact that there is no central repository for Sims 2 CC. Dashing hither and yon to find all the stuff I need is getting rather frustrating. (but I'll not bore you with the details) I think it'd be pretty cool for there to be a Custom Content Pack for the Sims 2, but the sheer size it would probably be (for all the typically-useful-and-free content) would probably make most webhosting max out on bandwidth frighteningly quickly. (I'm figuring, just on a bare estimate (ok, it's a WAG!) that such a pack would be well over 4Gb compressed.)

Hopefully I don't have to explain what "WAG" is, but I refer you to to find out. :p (It's the first one listed.)

Men's clothing seems rather unpopular to mod or make for the Sims 2, and I'm not 100% certain why, because (hello) most neighborhoods that are normal-distribution need nearly a 1:1 ratio between males and females. Why should the men be so limited in clothing choices compared to the women? ;)

Miros1 05-10-2008 05:41 PM

Someplace Around Here, there's a thread titled Greg's Fantasy Download Manager...

Every now and then, someone posts "WCIF men's clothing" on either ISA or InSim, and the list always contains some must-visit favorites (as in, they are posted every single time someone asks) plus more sites recommended by various members.

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