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Miros1 10-11-2008 03:12 PM

If I remember correctly, he used Rodney's Death Creator.

Greg 10-11-2008 11:43 PM

Yup, most likely I used 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' to spawn Rodney's Death Creator.

Zirconia Wolf 10-12-2008 01:11 PM


I haven't played around with the "boolproptestingcheatyadayadayada" thing much except to mass-spawn Townies and/or Downtownies in Hoods that don't have them. (In my game, it is simply test+ or test- as I despised it's "real" name & now use UserStartUpCheat aliases for all the way-too-wordy-cheats I use the most.)

So I gather that Rodney's Death Creator will leave tombstones (or at least thhe "ghost files") of the "forcedly" departed behind? This is good to know!

OT, but does anyone know how the "Spawn Baby" thing (NPC & Townie Creator) works? Is the baby added to the Phone Adoption Pool, or is it added right to the active family? I am looking for a way to do a "baby-found-on-the-front-porch" thing, & was looking for options.


Miros1 10-12-2008 04:44 PM

Actually, Rodney's Death Creator is an object that allows you to murder your Sims with any of the "normal" in-game deaths, like "death by flies" or "electrocution."

Zirconia Wolf 10-12-2008 05:29 PM

That's even cooler...if that's the right term for such a cheat!

It would certainly come in handy with certain Sims...


Greg 10-13-2008 11:28 AM

Yes, Rodney's Death Creator does leave a tombstone behind. You can sell it, of course. Or you can use the tombstones to fill out your cemetery.

Zirconia Wolf 11-29-2008 02:50 PM

Miros: I have some info on the AL folders that need to be nuked...unless people want the Social Group Townies & such!

From Sleepycat at Simbology:

C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Apartment Life\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate\E002

and then delete the files in the Characters folder and E002_Neighborhood.package file (located in the E002 folder)

I left the zip right in the E002 folder in case I ever (not bloody likely) want the fugly social townies back. I tried it this way shortly after installing AL so I wouldn't get those fugly sims in my hoods. The game didn't care that those files were unavailable and since there was no E002_Neighborhood.package for it to read, nothing from those social townies gets into my hoods.

I will be able to test this myself soon (AL and M&G are on standby) & will let you know how it works out...

Miros1 11-29-2008 09:45 PM


BTW, if you want to get rid of a Certain Person's hacks, TwoJeffs is incorporating more and more of his ideas into his own hacks on Simbology...

Greg 11-29-2008 11:46 PM

Well, that solves the problem of finding a huge percentage of the hacks I'd need to collect before installing any new expansion packs!

In case someone wonders, here's a link to Simbology.

Zirconia Wolf 12-01-2008 03:22 PM

I just picked up an interesting bit of trivia from Simbology (from Sleepycat) regarding the "Social Group" townies in AL. (These are the stereotyped NPCs that show up based on the so-called "quality" of a Lot.)

It seems that you can prevent the Social townies from being spawned on an Apartment Lot by having only 1 apartment/rental unit on it. (The others can be "dummies", if you are going for a look.)

Doesn't stop the Community Lot problems, but at least you don't have to put up with Maxis funkyness on all your Lots!

Greg 12-02-2008 11:05 AM

I take it that these Social Group townies are not welcome?

Miros1 12-02-2008 12:05 PM

Well, they're stupid and ugly with dumb names... would you want them to live in the next apartment?

I suspect this is another case where randomly generated (with BetterNames and replacement face templates) would produce better quality fellow tenants!

Greg 12-02-2008 11:37 PM

This is one of those times we thank Maxis for making the walls soundproof.

Miros1 12-19-2008 08:28 PM

Revised versions of the BV, AL, and FT instructions added. Guess what I got for Hannaka!

Hokieman 12-20-2008 12:05 AM

Let me guess! about the Sims2 for the playstation.:laugh:

Greg 12-20-2008 12:14 AM

It's become safer to consider installing those new-fangled expansion pack thingies. I just might get around to doing that after The Sims 3 comes out. :thinking:

Miros1 12-20-2008 02:09 AM

I'm sorting through my hacks right now. Got TwoJeffs' stuff upgraded and installed.

While poking around on Simbology, I found Inge's answer to a question I asked over a month ago!
How to move the produce of puppy-kitten mills to other 'hoods
which is also a sensible way to deal with the zillions of Maxis produced strays!

And while poking around Simlogical/The Laden Swallow, I found updated versions of Dizzy's hacks!
I recommend the Store Food and Have Leftover hacks! Store Food makes putting leftovers away autonomous and Have Leftover makes your sim eat leftovers instead of cooking a single serving.

Zirconia Wolf 12-20-2008 03:19 PM

Woohoo! Thanks for the Simlogical link! Answers one of my "pet" peeves too!

I love Dizzy's hacks too...glad to see they are AL okay now.

On the subject of "really cool AL okay hacks", have you seen these yet?

Allow Puppy Kitten & Toddler Riders

Lets puppies, kittens & Toddlers go with others to Community Lots via car/taxi! Yippie!!

Pet Modifications

Lets owned Pets show up with their Owners as visitors on Community Lots, lets YA be walkbys in Base/Downtown/whatever hoods & lots of other stuff.

Allow Puppies, Kittens & Toddlers To Use Stairs

Lets puppies, kittens & Toddlers use stairs. Unfortunately, it does NOT check to see if your Toddler has learned to walk yet or not like the non-AL compatible version did, which kinda sucks as I really liked being able to control where the little rug rats went better...

Apartment Door Changer Milk Bottle

For reasons known only to Maxis, there is only 1 door that works to define an apartment, which is silly if you want to create more ritzy complexes. This object (that looks like a cute milk bottle) sits outside your Sims apartment door & lets you change to appearance of said door if you wish.

Actually, there's tons more I love at MTS2, but I gotta get going...

Greg 12-20-2008 07:45 PM

Ohhh... more temptations to install that new-fangled stuff.

Miros1 12-21-2008 03:25 PM

Apparently, you need some of the FreeTime lots too -- one of your hobby rewards is to be able to practice that hobby at a 'secret lot,' which I've currently got zipped up.

Thanks for the hacks, Zirconia! The 3 of the 4 sound really handy!

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